
Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Bar Rawatan kulit yang mengandungi MOOR yang hebat dan mikroalga yang dihidrat (H-ma), dihasilkan serta 100% diimport dari eropah

= Moor + H-mA + Ramuan asas dari eropah

Berasal dari Austria,sejenis lumpur yang kaya dengan nutrient.Moor telah terbentuk semenjak zaman ais dan mengandungi sebatian 700 herba organik,unsur surih,hormon tumbuhan, antibiotic semulajadi dan bahan aktif semulajadi.


Kaya denga minyak perahan tumbuhan,asid lemak dan lipid,yang wujud secara semulajadi.
Meresap dengan mudah ke dalam lapisan kulit,mengekalkan keseimbangan pH semulajadi kulit dan mempertingkatkan aliran darah ke kulit
Telah melalui kajian klinikal dan didapati bahawa kulit tidak akan mengalami alahan.

H-ma factor (mikroalga)
Merupakan satu penumpuan ramuan ramuan aktif semulajadi yang unik dan diperah daripada intipati mikroalga dalam bentuk ZARAH NANO
Memulih & melindungi kulit secara aktif
Menembusi kulit secara mendalam dan menghidrat kulit secara berterusan


Satu satunya alternatif kepada sabun,penjagaan kulit dan kosmetik
●Tidak perlu lagi menggunakan whitener,cleanser,toner,masker dll
●Hampir 95% ramuan aktif
●Bukan sekadar merawat simptom,malah juga MENYEMBUHKAN KULIT
●Tidak lagi digolongkan sebagai kulit kering,kulit berminyak atau kulit normal
●Penyembuhan dari dalam keluar


mengatasi semua peringkat umur (dari bayi sehingga warga emas),
untuk semua jantina(lelaki dan wanita),negara,kaum atau pekerjaan.
adalah kesihatan kulit,ia berkesan dalam pemulihan lapisan kulit yang lebih mendalam
boleh dipelbagaikan kegunaan,boleh digunakan sebagai shampoo,pencuci muka, krim pencukur,perapi dan juga ubat gigi
cepat berkesan (3 MINIT!!!) dan berkekalan
mendapat pengesahan HALAL dan ujian makmal mengesahkan tiada sebarang bahan kimia (Heavy Metal toxicity test)

EUMORA Cara Menggunakannya
1. Basahkan kedua belah tapak tangan anda dengan air (pastikan tangan anda bersih).
2. Ambil Eumora Mini bar dan gosok dengan menggunakan kedua belah tapak tangan anda untuk beberapa kali.
3. Letak Eumora Mini bar anda dan kembali gosok kedua belah tapak tangan anda sehingga mengeluarkan buih putih pekat.
4. Tekap tapak tangan anda ke wajah anda(seperti memakai bedak sejuk) dan ratakan.
5. Pastikan kawasan bermasalah (spt; jeragat, jerawat, parut jearawat, kedut, liang-liang roma yg besar dsb) diberikan tumpuan.
6. Biarkan ia meresap (3 minit) dan basuh wajah anda dengan air seperti biasa.
7. Tidak perlu lap wajah anda dan biar ia kering sendiri.
8. Kini anda memiliki wajah yang segar sehingga 7 jam.
9. Gunakan langkah ini 2 kali sehari. Insyaallah anda akan melihat kesannya.

1. Bagi anggota tubuh selain wajah anda boleh terus gosokkan Eumora Mini bar ke kawasan yang bermasalah.
2. Jika sudah biasa menggunakannya, cukup sekadar biarkan 1-2 minit sahaja.
3. JANGAN guna alat solek yang mengandungi AHA dan Bleech apabila anda mula menggunakan Eumora Mini Bar.
4. TIADA KESAN SAMPINGAN apabila terkena mata atau termasuk ke dalam mulut.


1. Boleh digunakan sebagai pencuci rambut (pastikan ia sampai ke kulit kepala).
2. KESAN; menghilangkan kelemumur, melebatkan rambut, menumbuhkan rambut.
3. Boleh digunakan sebagai pengganti ubat gigi. (jika terdesak)

untuk sesiapa yang ingin mendapatkan bar ini atau
ingin menjadi PEMBEKAL di kawasan anda,
sila hubungi kami:

Mr.Tay 012 9744 919
Mr.CF 016 919 2025


Before and After

Pores heal back
(After 1 week)

Pimples dry up
(After 3 mins)

Pores close up + Pimples dry up
(After 3 days)

Pimples gone
(After 3 months)

Cell rejuvenated
(After 3 weeks)

Eye-bags reduced
(After 3 days)


Sunday, November 1, 2009



The Sensational EumorA Facial Bar

First Impression

Are you aware that the first impression is important? And it only takes 30 seconds for one to judge you when you first meet them?

Your personal image sends out subtle and yet powerful messages about yourself and the company you represent. People who look at you and your physical facial look absorb a subtle message and form an impression of you more than they consciously realize.

It’s All About Looking Good And Beautiful

It’s all about looking good and beautiful. Introducing the sensational EumorA Facial Bar that will enhance your look and physical beauty.

EumorA facial bar is infused with HmA Factor,(Hydration MicroAlgae) which is formulated and 100% imported from Europe. It is further enhanced by Moor, a rare form of nutrient-rich peat created by the gradual transformation of herbs, plants & flowers which have been permanently submerged under water or underground. Infused together using patented technology by Esabee Biotika Sdn Bhd, the sensational EumorA Facial Bar is suitable for all skin types:

•gently cleansed,
•effectively toned,
•refreshingly moisturized
•rejuvenating your skin and facial for a younger and radiant look
•creating a more confident and positive outlook in life

What Eumora Can Help You

EumorA Bar - The miracle skin cleanser, toner and moisturizer that enhances your look, leaves you with a refreshing skin and fresh outlook in life!

Need more information on Eumora business opportunities?
Phone/sms: Mr.Tay 012-9744 919 or Mr.CF 016-919 2025


Firms, lifts & put a shine on the face

Reduces & closes up big facial pores.

Removes free radicals & toxins from your face & hair & replenishes them with the right nutrients

Saves on toner, cleanser, shampoo, shaving cream etc

Enhances facial complexion, very potent & shows significant improvement even after using it a few times.

Optimum hydration to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and prevent against common skin ailments associated with dry skin like freckles, wrinkles and fine lines

Collagen Regeneration to ensure that your skin is lifted, soft and supple so that your face constantly looks young!

Cell Rejuvenation to ensure that your skin recovers fast thus lightening scars and giving you an extra glow on the face

Detoxification of the cells on the skin to prevent growth of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads and also to get rid of/prevent skin related problems like skin allergies, rashes, eczema

Radiance revealing to give you extra glow on the face

Improve blood circulation on skin such that for fair people, you get a reddish, healthy glow on your cheeks just like those cute Japanese and European babies!

Normal moisturisers may not penetrate the deep layers of our skin (dermis/hypodermis) and deliver sufficient moisture to repair the damage.

Over the years, dehydration will cause our skin to lose radiance.

The skin becomes more and more fragile as a result and has a less effective barrier against irritant and infection, causing problems like pimples, pigmentation, scars, uneven colouring, oiliness, dryness and even skin diseases like eczema.

Effective within 3 minutes… and continues to work till the next usage!

Thus, it is important to help our skin revert back to their healthy state where skin is soft, tender, smooth and radiant just like that of a baby!

The sensational moor facial bar infused with Hydration microalgae factor (HmA) that is formulated and 100% imported from Europe is most suitable for this. What is more, it is effective within a mere 3 minutes!

Just wet your hands, lather the facial bar and apply the lather on your face gently. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes and wash it off and you will see your face looking more radiant and more beautiful instantly! And the effects continue to improve till your next usage!

With constant use, your friends will be asking you why:
Your skin looks fairer, radiant and glowing
Your skin feels so soft and smooth
Your skin is firm and lifted
Your big facial pores have closed up
Your wrinkle reduces & your freckles lighten
Your eye bags disappear

H-ma helps to renew our skin by:
-healing and protecting our skin so as to keep pimples away and lighten scars on the face
-removing external irritants & pollutants
-penetrating deeply and hydrates continuously

Some people might experience tightness in skin, pimples, dryness in skin initially. These are all perfectly normal healing crisis and is evident prove that the bar is working on your skin.

Due the removal of external irritants and pollutants, you might have some pimple growth for a short while. As long as you ignore them, they will disappear soon enough and you will see your skin become even smoother and more glow after that.